Tevin Tobun, CEO of GV Group (Gate Ventures), has been appointed as a Council member at The Open University (OU).
He will join the team responsible for overseeing the university’s activities, determining its future direction, and ensuring the university’s strategic vision is delivered. Tevin has previously held council and board roles in other higher education establishments where he has played a pivotal role in helping to shape and develop their strategic vision and direction. Throughout his career, Tevin has worked closely with organisations to develop tailored programmes to support those who may face barriers to educational success. In his various roles, he has regularly contributed to university workshops and events, focusing on employment opportunity for students. Tevin also runs The Tobun Foundation. Launched in 2015, the foundation offers four young people from disadvantaged backgrounds yearly funding to support their University studies. The Tobun Foundation also provides bursary support to students on specialist programmes including the United Nations Summer Programme in Geneva. Tevin also frequently speaks at industry events and sits on a number of Boards for a range of organisations.
Tevin and GV Group have been recognised amongst the business community through a significant number of nominations and accolades. In 2019 and 2020, Tevin was listed as one of the top 100 most influential BAME Executives in the UK, and is also listed by JP Morgan as one of the top 100 most influential black people in the UK in 2020.
He also chairs a charity called Inspirational You, which provides guidance to people of BAME background starting out in business through a range of initiatives, such as work experience, mentoring and business workshops. He recently chaired an Inspirational You event at the Houses of Parliament, designed to help young people understand the challenges of the world. Tevin is also Patron of Springboard – the biggest independent charity in the hospitality sector that supports people from disadvantaged backgrounds into jobs in the hospitality industry.
He joins three other new external OU Council members - Professor Paul Gray; Ceri Doyle, and Lopa Patel, and will serve for a period of four years.
The Open University is home to the largest population of students in the UK and has a significant global reach through its alumni in 157 countries, international partnerships and research activity.
Tobun said: “The current societal challenges we are all facing are having a significant impact on the learning and development opportunities for so many young people so I’m pleased to be joining the OU at such a crucial time. “As Council members, it is vital for us all to ensure that we work with all of the OU’s stakeholders to help translate its strategic vision into tangible and measurable actions and operational activities.”
Malcolm Sweeting, pro-chancellor and chair of The Open University Council, said: “I am delighted to welcome Tevin and our new Council members, who will bring a diversity of skills, talent and perspectives to the governance of The Open University. They join at a time where the World and Society face significant challenges: but also at a time of exciting opportunities for the OU as it continues to deliver on its mission.”
